I just create and let everybody decide what it is.
I paint in a lot of different styles, which I’ve heard is not a good thing if you want to be famous. I don’t care to be famous or even remembered for that matter. I create because I like it, it makes me feel good and it keeps me from losing my mind.
Since around 2018 I like to paint intuitive nonrepresentational mixed media art on wood. This one sentence just sets off a flurry of questions so I’ll answer them with bullets.
Why the change in 2018? I just got tired of everything else. Having explored so many mediums and styles, I just wanted to let myself go on auto. My brain can only hold so much and I have never been tied to one thing. Deciding to throw it all in the pot I can and it should make me feel good and hopefully the viewer.
So what is born is intuitive, nonrepresentational, mixed media art.