"Look Back"


"Look Back"

from $6.49

I’m always behind but look what I see. I know I look like I’m in a daze or like a flock of birds are about to attack me. I walk, I stop… I look… I turn… I get on one knee.. I look… I stand… step to the left… step to the right… I turn completely around to see where I’ve been. Click, click, click.

I don’t always look to the future and what’s ahead, taking the time to look back forces me to see that I can’t go back but I can see what I missed. A different perspective is a craving of mine. So, I have to walk faster to catch up so what? I take the time.

I’ve been told if you want to truly experience a place, you should leave the camera at home.

How silly… clickity… click.. click..

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