Before ART

  • Busboy
  • Vending machine mechanic
  • Twister Operator (cotton mill)
  • Band saw operator
  • Helicopter Mechanic (Army)
  • Ceramics/Photo Developing Instructor 
  • Bottle/Canning line mechanic
  • 9 volt battery machine operator/mechanic

Yes it is a bit strange Mechanic to Artist. Well here's the deal - a mechanic is an artist. They are creative problem solvers. Mechanics don't just turn wrenches. A mechanic knows everything from wiring to welding, building to plumbing, chemicals to measuring. formulas and methods. From my point of view it is not a huge leap to be a artist but more like the same job only using  different tools.


The best decision I've ever made I moved to Atlanta and attended the Art Institute of Atlanta. This was probably the best experience of my life too. I graduated with a  "Associates in Arts in Visual Communications" majoring in graphic design with honors.


See what others don't see this is creativity.


ART Begins

  • Cross-stitch designer (StitchWorld & The Stichery Magazine)
  • Creative Director (The Design Connection cross-stitch)
  • Graphic Artist (Communicorp - printers)
  • Graphic Production (Thrifty Nickel / American Classifieds - classifieds paper)
  • Art Director (Auburn Engineers - ergonomics consulting firm)
  • Visual Information Lead- Training Support Center (Ft Benning - Army)
  • Visual Information Project Manager - Visual Information Center (Fort Benning - Army)
  • Business Owner/Artist/Marketing Director/Graphic Designer/printer/ product development/producer

Life is good and every day is very enjoyable. I now use everything I have learned as a mechanic and artist to create my world. Welcome I hope you enjoy!

"Give out - not up- Excuses are for failures!"   ~Bobby Jones